


Minimum requirements for running OpenOutcrop

·         Windows 10, 64-bit

·         Minimum 16Gb memory, 32Gb recommended.

·         Graphics card with 4Gb memory, 8Gb total including shared memory

·         OpenGL v14 and above

·         .Net Framework 4.0

·         100Gb available disk space including data

·         Core i7 or equivalent and above

·         1280 x 1024 monitor



Development and source code environment (for developers only)



·         Visual Studio 2019, 64-bit

·         Third party dependencies : OpenTK, OpenGL

·         AMD Ryzen 3970X ThreadRipper, 32 core, 64 thread

·         128Gb memory

·         18Tb in total disk space, all solid state disk drives

·         Dual 2560 x 1440 monitors

·         Nvidia 3090, 24Gb graphics card, 88Gb total shared memory

·         .NET framework 4.0 and above


Test and acceptance environment (laptop)

·         Intel Core i9-9880H CPU, 8 cores, 16 logical processors

·         64Gb memory

·         2Tb available disk space

·         1920 x 1080 screen resolution

·         Graphics NVIDIA Quadro 4000X 8Gb, 40Gb total shared memory

·         Windows 10, 64-bit

·         .NET Framework 4.0


Suggested minimum developer environment

·         Visual Studio 2019, 64-bit

·         Third party dependencies : OpenTK, OpenGL

·         Core i7, 4 core, 8 thread minimum

·         32Gb memory

·         200Gb including data

·         1280 x 1024 monitor

·         4Gb graphics card, 8Gb shared memory, OpenGL compatible

·         .NET framework 4.0 and above